The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 41942 One ear in Iceland Rates Birthday Celebration WEST AGAWAM xnost con iUrinilJs 1 U4C31IJ JvUSMeix JJPVAP even normal supply difficult the task anfV William Jackson from the office also Phone 3 2615 advertisem*nt ADVERTIsem*nT or Quick Cough Relief Office Hours: Mix This at Home I 4 HOURS ONLY i I OR YOUR TASTE TAX INCLUDED $00 vv Nont SoM TWs Sl al This Price! COATS 4 SUITS Lavish with Scott urs None SoU( ADtrTWt Sale at This Price! made for Digest NONE SOLD OR CASH! SINGLEDGE BLADES Duly 304 At druggists ROM COAST TO SWING ISJOOLD GOLD! i 0 THURSDAY! Usually $149 to $199 tax included Usually $2995 to $35 Stara Klaan Main St Car Harrison Art They are build and and see held hall letter to Arthur Dobles secretary of the chapter informed members that he had been commissioned an ensign in the supply corps of the naval re serve A ROOM WITH BATH AND RADIO PLEASE OPEN EVERY TUESDAY EVENING UNTIL 8 Nwd for HARMUL 'RUSHING Dry your blade thoroughly after tach shave! Rust dulls edges words While not with the it unfair to to criticism i an effort to of our men the some partic ITenry Boisvert 17 of 64 Provi dence street Aldenville both of whom have lacerations of the ssalp Mr la mothe also has a possible concussion and a laceration of the right hand Police said that Lamothe was driv ing south on Liberty street and was about to pass a car driven in the same direction by Alice Derwicki 20 of 56 Glendale road Southampton When opposite No 1126 the right front of the Lamothe machine glanced oft the left rear of the Derwicki car throwing the former out of control The car jumped the west curb and knocked down an electric light pole Both men were taken to the hos pital in the police ambulance a American soldiers WEST HARTORD MAN CRITICIZES TUCKER OR TOKIO RAID ARTICLE your now thoyparklo are really clean and look like th dey your dentist eaid they look nat West Agawam Nov 4 Seventeen members of Troop 85 eeding Hills Boy Scouts are showing much prog ress in tne aviation school which has been recently established in the base ment of the home of William Denni son of Kensington street who was recently appointed assistant scout master of the troop and is acting as the school instructor Under the su pervision of two well known motor racing men Mr Dennison and William Wylie the scoutmaster these boysafe enthusiastic students Their training not only teaches them the fundament als of ths aeroplane but of the actual mechanical building of them as their studies are being made from actual motors used in war planes This school which was inaugurated about six weeks ago rapidly grew from a few boys to its present mem bership or 17 who weekly SCOUTS LEARN ABOUT PLANES AND MOTORS A hotel of distinction rising' 21 floors in the heart of glam orous Times Square Nae WHy Mamrnri HenMlMo' Tha Natian'i No I Night Club Because having a Drive for new accounts we present these extraordinary values! Open a Scott charge or budget account! No waiting! Take your purchase with you immediately! of ordnance Washington I 'LMaj Wil liam Gould in charge of the field serv ice section Springfield Armory and Lieut Col II Knowlton from the Itaritan (N J) arsenal While the school will be conducted In Springfield it will include inspec tors and facility representatives from subofilces In Hartford Waterbury New Haven Bridgeport and Winches ter (Official TT Signal Corps Photo) Iceland An anniversary long remember with traditional birthday cake these celebrate their first year completed in Iceland Tiie writer of the following has enclosed a copy for use in The Daily News of the letter Recently sent by him to Ray Tucker Washington cor respondent: Mr Ray' Tucker National Whirligig Washington I) Dear Mr Tucker: I am not a regular reader of The SprlngflfeUi i 1 Ci lend gave me a copy of the October 30 issue saying he thought I would be interested in your column appearing therein and which 1 shall identify by referring to two of the captions and t'Truth" You may wonder why this friend thought I would be interested I hapjth to be the father of one of the who participated in the Tokio raid When Tokio recently announced and Secretary Stimson subsequently confirmed that some of the partici pants of that April 18 raid were pris oners columns of news accounts fol lowed Many of them contained stories from parents of several of those men admitting that as long as five mefnths ago they wore advised that their sons were prisoners but had been asked to treat such advice in confidence As a writer you must have known of those admissions I bonder therefore why before writ ing your article you did not consider WAR SO ROUGH PACKERS MUST LEARN TRICKS attend the school given an opportu take down these them in actual Twa men were taken to Mercy hos pital with head injuries early yester day afternoon after their car while attempting to pass another on Lib erty street hit a telephone pole The men neither of whom is in serious condition are Harold Lamothe 19 of 525 Chicopee street Willimansett and Ordnance District Sets Up School to Show Shipping 'Bethods A Only Nite 5 to $100 4 Hour Sale 1 Thousand do and woo dor why their denturao 1 I kumuh uun ona aiain ed why they suffer with offending denture breath They fail to realise that water alone is not a cleansing agent CuiA a a I izui uw viicie greet formula perfeO ed by a dentist calloA I SteraKleen that thor loughly cleans false I tooth without harmful 1 bruthind! Simply put a little Stera Kleen Powder in Saves You Big Dollars and So Easily Mixed Here an old home mixture your mother probably used but for real re sults it is still one of the most ef rective and dependable for coughs due to colds Once tried swear by it It no trouble Make a syrup by stirring 2 cups granulated sugar and 1 cup water a few moments until dis solved No cooking needed so easy! Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey instead of sugar syrup Now put 2 ounces of Pinex into a pint bottle and addvyour syrup This makes a full pint of truly splendid believe that even your continue to look upon a see how this recent dis minimize the extent ofltnA in nr tho cimnAco uutuao ui iie uignc over Japan itself Your reference to the raid as is not only wholly i lii rt i 1 1 and definite who were of strenuous selection that raid or an juried and unwarranted hut in mv i to 4 the To Insure arrival of arms and muni tions at their overseas destination in good condition as well as on time a packaging school tor Sorinafleld ord nance district resident and traveling togetner with facility rep resentatives has been established un der the direction of Durant Hrdd chief of the field rvirf anil traffic and transportation branches Global war haa Imposed new fight ing conditions and new shipping prob lems and the purpose of the inten sive packaging course is to reduce spoilage through carelessness rough handling and hazards of transporta tion With troops disposed in prac tically every climatic zone and oper under circ*mstances making I i of getting materiel to the battle line has become increasingly greater Ordnance supplies must be packed and crated to withstand the hardest kind of handling Ordinary commer Yes sir that's just what you get A luxurious room with a private bath a radio and circulating ice water at a doily rate from $2 CAPITAL SIDELIGHTS Washington Nov 4 There is a lot of merit in the radio talk of Speaker Sam Rayburn (D Tex) when in de fending Congress from attacks that it had sunk to the lowest estate in its history he urged voters to prefer men of experience who had served the na tion well and who were men of char acter ability and integrity He clearly demonstrated that Con gress all is a body composed of able men and that it compares fa vorably with the Parliament of Great Britain which is reputed' to be the most august and ablest legislative body in the world Many will agree and it is only the superficial thinkers but your article sure enough was I am disappointed that one capable of attaining the position of a Wash ington columnist should use and phrases so loosely 100 per cent in accord present rules of censor ship do consider i subjed the authorities such as yours when in save the lives of some they do refrain from world" all the details of ular incident but at the same time keeping those who should know in formed in confidence Very truly yours WATSON 38 airlee road West Hartford Ct cial methods of shipment overseas are out for the duration more especially as lines are extended and new fronts opened To meet these conditions it ha been necessary for 'the armv to de vise packages that' can be delivered safely and in good condition from the Arctic to the tropics and under every conceivable type and method of trans portation Adequate dock facilities are an exception rather than the rule and munitions must be packed to with stand immersion in water snow an I ice steaming jungles desert sand storms lighterage and even landing from small boats on beachheads and coral atolls as well as carriage In China Russia Africa and certain lease enq countries by the primitive means Two types of nack are hefn sidered One is for domestic ship ment in which containers of either corrugated or solid as well as wood can be used and the other for overseas shipment which must be protected before packing by special processing thoroughly waterproofed and cased sturdily Stress has been laid on proper methodsGof reinforcing and also fastening with cement coated nails to prevent loosening and rusting In all cases minimum government specifications must be met Instructors are Prof George A Gar ratt of the forest products laboratory department of agriculture Madison Wis and an instructor rjn the Yale School of orestry: Russell Merer Oto Goto 1423 MAIN STREET Spfld Public Market an1 c1ves you abou four times as much for your money I1t)kecps Perfectly tastes fine an lasts a family a long time And say really amazing for qurnk aetjon You can feel it take hold promptly It loosens the phlcgrrw soothes the irritated membranes anit helps clear the air passages Thus it makes breathing easy and lets you gofc restful sleep Pinex is a special compound of pn ven ingredients in concentrated fornx well known for its prompt action on throat and bronchial membranes Money refunded if pleaM ou in every SCOTTS 1421 Mole St Cor Herrisoe Ave uninfprmed who sling slurs at Con gress i or whatever faults Congress has voters are more to blame than any body else They make some ex decisions in voting fqr men to represent them in Congress They actually sent insane men to Congress and veritable freaks and Congress is blamed for having such members in it In the Senate there was Huey Long from Louisiana who often enough made a monkey house out of that dis tinguished body Often enough peo ple send year after year drunkards who have disgraced the Senate In such instances the Senate cannot do anything about it It is up to the people who choose such men In the House of Representatives' in sane men have indeed been elected Oklahoma sent a woman keeper of a restaurant because she had been kind to the returning soldiers from World war In gratitude they voted her into Congress although she had not the remotest qualifications for serv ice in Congress LYNX DYED WHITE OX RACCOON LYNX DYED WOL WOOLS Other Rich abrics iHed and Swagger Styles! Juniors' and Misses' Sizes! motors motion Mr Dennison is a widely known auto racer having toured the country with his racing cars and instigated the Agawam Racingteam He is a World war veteran having served in the army air force from 1916 to 1919 He has had two experience in par achute jumping and took a special course as aviation mechanic In ad dition to being taught the mechanical parts of motors the boys are building model planes WEST AGAWAM BRIES A public whist party will he tomorrow night at 8 in the social ot lower Memorial church under the auspices of the Women's Society for Christian Service of the church Sev eral prizes will lie given and refresh ments will he served Airs Daniel Manning of Springfield vill entertain the Qood Cheer cijjb to morrow afternoon at 130 NACA DIRECTORS HERE MEET AT THE SHERATON A regular meeting of the directors of Springfield chapter National As sociation of Cost Accountants was held at the Hotel Sheraton last night President Rudolph Wehrli announced that 11 persons had become members during the past two months and that the air corps team of Holyoke won the attendance cup at the October 21 meeting New members in October were: Mi chael Guida Service schools "New port I Augustine Mbrris Rob ert Morris company West Hart ford Ct Gladys Ruggles orbes Wallace Wright American International college and red A Wright practicing CPA Burton Swan of Sturbridge in a HOTEL PARAMOUNT 46th STREET AT BROAD WAT TIMES SQUARE YORK Did You Place Your ALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? opinion is a gross insult tn coinage and ability of the man who commanded the flight and who is i ecognized by those who know as being a most capable pilot Gen Doo little did not pick daredevils for that mission such as those who perform in arlol jt uvutu umuu uut rainer pi ecise objectives purposes to achieve subjected to Ion? hours training to qualify for rs Air Tucker aeiial circus as you have chosen to call it was definitely not a HC4N MARRIAGES Will they work? "I want to do what is right but I know what is right My heart says marry him now my head sayi wait until the wat is over you please help me? I've so little time in which to Thus it posed a problem facing Thousands of young people today Are a few weeks of happiness now worth possible heartaches after the war? Noted authorities discuss this subject sanely and sincerely from both sides and a well known consultant on marriage difficulties adds her advice in an War Marriages See page 14 of the November Reader'sDigest ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Alexander heart warming life story of Irving Berlin who started as an immigrant boy became most popular song writer and eventu ally wrote the tunes to which Americs has twdee marched to war Army estimate of our enemy the tough cruel and fanatical jap sol dier based on observations while actins as official A observer with ths Japanese army Was an Atheist Until A practicing physician reveals how a lecture in med ical school changed his entire outlook on life These are just a few of the 40 outstanding articles in the November Digest Now on all newsstands the smoke of Old Gold was res ported lowest! These tests impressed many readers Both before and since the publican tion of this article many thousands of smokers have turned to Old Gold We urge you to tty Old Golds too Get a pack enjoy this famous cigarette today! LoriliacJ Established 1760 tinn MUSKRATS sv ML MIHK OR SW buc" 179 rv otEO PERSIA 100 bleho raccoons 199 I GENUINE SILVER OX NAIRS jqq 179 IM nYD SQUinntu 1Ao nved A As shown by unbiased independent unsolicited tests of 7 leading brands 78 Exceptional SCOTT SUPER B1LT UR COAT tfecTN throat irritating ytRS AND RESINS A ipVEsr it strange indeed that the mifiher of Liuet Hyatt should be the only ruent of a missing member not to receive some word concerning her son Incidentally the list released by the Associated Press last May giving the names of the Tokio raid participants spelled the name although I can find neither Hite nor Hyatt among the lists of admitted prisoners which I have seen 1 have no knowledge as to whether you are a parent or not However las the father of a pilot I can say to you in all frankness that if five months ago we had received word that our son was a prisoner of theJaps the shock to my nervous sys tem might well have been such that it would have been noticeable to friends' 1 would have been pledged to secrecy so could have told them nothing They might have wondered where our son was and getting noth ing from me have jumped to the con clusion that I knew absolutely noth ing about him I think it verv nos sible that such may be the case with Mrs Hyatt and may God comfort her A friend or neighbor of Mrs Hyatt possibly the presumptions or over zealous type decided to write you bemoaning the mother's lack of knowledge of her son You elected to accept such letter at its face value use it as the basis for an article and make quite an issue of it On further reflection do you not agree that be fore taking pen in hand it might have been better judgment to verify the true facts directly from Mrs 1 lyatt? I doubt if the rules and regulations of the army require a commanding general after completion of a mis sion I rite a personal letter te the parents of each participating mem ber However because in addition to being an able officer Gen Doo little is a father and a gentleman he chose to do just that Permit me to review a personal experience which I feel perfectly justified in disclosing at this time Gen Doolittle reported tous an injury to our son as being trivial and such report was based on our own belief at the time that such was the nature of his injury Unfortunately the injury proved to be much more serious 'Ehe minute iniormation came to the atten tion of Gen Doolittle we were advised accordingly Your correspondent's letter to the contrary notwithstand ing I feel very sure that Mrs Hyatt was accorded similar considerate treatment and was given the known facts concerning her son but like ourselves was not free to acquaint her neighbors with all details as to the reason for the war department withholding the news of these prisoners from the public Naturally I have no official informa tionion that but the reason is subject toa very logical explanation and on this point may I refer you to the very splendid article bv David Law rence entitled Raid which appeared October 28 If you have not already read it I strongly recommend that you do so Reasons for Acclaim Why has that Tokio raid been so widely acclaimed by the public? Here are a few of the reasons whicli have heard expressed by numerous people: It was the first offensive action of this war it was a Volun it was the first real action in the own backyard ail of which was a mighty fine tonic for morale Tou were gracious enough to call the raid bravest individual bit of heroism since Hobson's attempt to bottle up the Spanish fleet in Ilavana even though you I lavana did preface that with the rather ab surd statement that the raid now threatens to become a national scan SUU readers will that raid as for I fail to closure can the damage Iigest was not trying to increase Old Gold sales or to emphasize the superi ority of any one of the 7 cigarettes tested when it published its recent report of cigarette tests On two counts in throat irritating tars and resins and in nicotine dih: gilbert Dentist LIBERTY STREET CRASH I PUTS TWO IN HOSPITAL Si 7 i IB i "i is I fe I IL 1 JllpaWW lAhesescott ur Suec MV 1 1 j(EB vNkllgJrV 1 '4B 7B I a 1 I I IAflAl I IM Gny if THURSDAY! Usuoll $2995 to $35 I i Stara KhfiR.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.