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A beautiful, colourful and creamy ice cream made from purple sweet potatoes and coconut milk. Vegan, dairy-free and paleo-friendly recipe!
What's better than sweet potoato? Purple sweet potato!
Not always easy to find, but well worth looking out for. Not only for it's beautiful colour, but its health benefits too.
It's been declared a miracle food, due to it'shigh levelsof anthocyanins, which help improve blood flow and cognitive function.
Other purple foods also contain this compound so if you can't find purple sweet potato, try blackberries, aubergine or red cabbage.
The sweet potato gives this ice cream extra creaminess and the most wonderful texture, not to mention colour and flavour!
If you can't find purple sweet potato, try looking for Ube puree in your local Asian supermarket or use orange sweet potato instead (it will still be delicious.)
When it comes to sweeteners, I really recommend maple syrup for this recipe. It seems to really pair well with the sweet potato.
It can sometimes be hard to find (in the UK, at least) and can be a little expensive so using agave nectar is the second best option.
The most smooth, creamy ice cream made with purple sweet potatoes and coconut milk.
360 ml / 1 ½ cups coconut milk, full-fat
1 tbsp arrowroot powder*
60 ml / ¼ cup maple syrup
½ cup purple sweet potato puree or ¾ cup chopped, boiled purple sweet potatoes
2 tsp vanilla extract
Optional 1 tbsp alcohol, such as vodka or gin**
Mix all the ingredients, except the vanilla and alcohol, together in a blender and mix until smooth.
Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once boiling, remove from the heat and whisk until smooth and thickened.
Stir in the vanilla and alcohol.
Pour into a container and chill overnight.
Instructions for using an ice cream maker
Once the mixture is chilled, you simply need to add it to yourice cream machine, following the manufacturer's instructions. Once churned, add to a shallow, freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight.
Instructions without using an ice cream maker
If you have a stand mixer with a metal bowl, you can freeze the bowl overnight and "churn" the ice cream using the paddle attachment.
Otherwise, you will need to whisk the mixture well before freezing it and may need to check on it a couple of times and whisk again to add lot's of air to it and prevent it turning icy.
*Arrowroot powder can be found in the baking aisle of the supermarket. You can also use tapioca flour or corn starch. **The alcohol is to help keep the ice cream from freezing too hard.
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Hi. I love the flavor of this recipe but I don't understand why the ice cream I made is difficult to scoop? It just comes out flakey? I can't make an actually scoop like what I see in your photograph. I did use an ice cream maker after blending it. Thank you for your help.
Hello, I tried making this without an ice cream machine and although it tastes good it froze really hard. I tried mixing it in the frozen mixing bowl per directions but it didn't seem to thicken. I put it in the deep freezer and mixed it every 45 minutes by hand . Could you explain how to use the mixing bowl method? I didn't fully understand it. I also used olive oil in place of vodka.
Lenore Howardsays
I have begun using 1 tablespoon of pure virgin olive oil to my ice-creams instead of alcohol to make it easier when scooping frozen ice-cream from container. Works brilliantly.
The difference between ube and purple sweet potato is that ube is a yam instead of a sweet potato. This means that the skin of the ube is rough and bark-like instead of thin and smooth like that of the purple sweet potato.
A 2015 study in Food Science and Technology found that red- and purple-fleshed potatoes average 16 to 57 milligrams of anthocyanins per 100 grams. This is significantly higher than the traditional orange-fleshed sweet potato, reports a 2019 review in Molecules.
Today, Okinawan sweet potatoes, sometimes known as Hawaiian Sweet Potatoes, are a part of the native menu in Hawaii. Okinawan sweet potatoes have beige outer skin and deep, blue-purple flesh. They have a mildly sweet flavor, and a very dry, starchy texture.
The ooze is actually referred to as "sap." It is made up of sugar and starch combined with the moisture found in the vegetable, and it escapes out of the damage made from the knife. The sap really equals the sweetness. If it's pouring out of your potato, that means it's a sweet and delicious vegetable.
Due to dwindling local production and the need to meet export demands, ube flavoring and color has become common in the Asian country. Scarcity in supply of the crop has also resulted in high prices.
“Like many other starchy foods, sweet potatoes are naturally higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein and fat. This means that sweet potatoes are more likely to cause blood sugar spikes if eaten alone.
Sweet potatoes with orange flesh are richest in beta-carotene. Sweet potatoes with purple flesh are richer in anthocyanins. Beta-carotene and anthocyanins are naturally occurring plant “phyto” chemicals that give vegetables their bright colors.
Sweet potatoes are one of the nutritionally dense “superfoods.” Sweet potatoes, orange and purple, have a low glycemic index compared to other carbohydrate-rich foods (including potatoes). That means they're good for diabetics or pre-diabetics, or for those struggling with obesity.
Purple, red, white and sweet potatoes are generally safe for dogs to eat, Dr. McCullough says. Sweet potatoes are healthy for dogs because they're packed with fiber and are low in fat. Additionally, sweet potatoes contain vitamins A, B6, C, calcium, potassium and iron.
They're also easier to cook: A sweet potato can be eaten undercooked or even raw without causing any problems. Try that with a regular potato and you're in for some gastric distress. You can add them into almost any meal.
Ube is Tagalog – the national language of the Philippines – for the purple yam native to Southeast Asia that has since been naturalized in South America, Africa, Australia, and the southeastern United States. It is also known as the “winged” or “water” yam in English.
Purple yam is a great source of potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamin C. Additionally, it provides iron and vitamin A and has very little fat content. They contain potent plant chemicals, such as anthocyanins, which reduce blood pressure and inflammation.
What does Ube taste like? 💜 Ube and purple sweet potatoes share a sweet, earthy taste, ube has a distinctively nuttier, vanilla-like flavor. Most people who tries it end up loving it!
💜 Ube, pronounced "Ooh-Beh" is the glorious Philippine purple yam, different from a Taro. It has a vivid purple to bright lavender colour and starchy with a distinct nutty earthy and a subtle vanilla flavor.
Taste: Ube tastes sweeter than taro with a more pronounced vanilla flavor and slight nuttiness, whereas taro is slightly sweet with an earthy, nutty flavor profile. Culinary uses: Ube is used in desserts whereas taro is used in savory dishes.
Ube is Tagalog – the national language of the Philippines – for the purple yam native to Southeast Asia that has since been naturalized in South America, Africa, Australia, and the southeastern United States.
Sweet potatoes tend to have slightly fewer calories per serving than yams. They also contain a bit more vitamin C and more than triple the amount of beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body.
Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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